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Wilde Ride Page 4
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Page 4
“I’m sorry Brent! But I’m not into you like that. I just thought you wanted to hang out and have a drink. I’m new to town and could use some friends.”
“At least I don’t just want to get into your pants like that Reker guy did,” he bellows.
“Um, excuse me? For one thing his name is Ryder, and for another, he never got into my pants. And FYI, I would never let you in mine. What is wrong with you?”
I start to storm past him, but something catches me by the upper arm. Really, again?! I spin around and yank my arm away while hissing “Don’t you ever put your hands on me again!”
All of a sudden, Brent’s face goes pale and you can see fear in his eyes. I never thought G.I. Jane was that scary. Nice, I like it. See, no one fucks with me! That makes the situation all that much better.
“Hey Candy, get your ass into the school,” someone from behind me demands.
I turn around and there is the scariest man I have ever seen in my life. He is at least 6’3” and about three hundred pounds. You can barely see his face, as it is covered with that much facial hair (Holy Sasquatch) and his hair is pulled back into a pony tail at the back of his head. He’s wearing a plain white t-shirt snug to his muscles and over that, a faded black leather vest along with a pair of dark jeans that were made for him. I mean WOW!
“I said get into the school. I won’t tell you again!”
“Who are you?” I ask. I mean if someone is going to be telling G.I. Jane what to do, she wants to know who he is. He doesn’t answer.
“It’s ok. He’s just going to leave,” I say.
“No, me and him are gonna have words. You do not treat a woman like that,” he growls.
“What the fuck did you say?” Brent asks, sounding amused.
“Trust me fuckhead, you don’t wanna find out what’ll happen if you don’t listen to me.” Wow, he is scary.
“Yeah well, Ella and I are going to have a few words that are none of your business, so you can go on your way,” Brent replies.
Is he stupid? I mean, Ryder is scary, but this guy is ten times scarier.
“No, sorry Brent, we are done and don’t come near me again,” I tell him.
“You go near her again and you will be asking for trouble,” Sasquatch says.
“It’s ok, I’m going in now.”
“Ok, Candy; I will be here.”
“It’s Ella, not Candy.”
“Ok, Candy,” he chuckles.
I’m guessing that will be my nickname, from now on.
“I will be here if you need me. I have to go call Ryder and give him the lowdown of what just happened.” Oh he is one of Ryder’s guys.
“You really don’t have to babysit me. I will be fine. He doesn’t need to know about this”
“Probably not, cause I am sure this douche will leave you alone now,” Sasquatch agrees as he walks across the parking lot to a black SUV.
This was going to be a long day.
Thankfully, as Brent is the Phys. Ed. Teacher, his classroom is the gymnasium. This means it is located at the complete opposite side of the school to where my classroom is located. Chances of running into him are slim to none.
I am sitting at my desk in my classroom trying to come to grips with what had just occurred. Maybe, I’ll go out for lunch today, I think to myself. That way I can avoid going into the teacher’s lounge and any potential run-ins with Brent.
I wasn’t worried about coming to terms about the fact that G.I. Jane had just been manhandled by someone who seemed to be the world’s nicest guy. Oh no, I was more concerned over the little tidbit Ryder had failed to mention to me. Or, I guess the tidbit wasn’t quite so little, as it is a huge motherfucking Sasquatch.
Ryder was having me watched. I have to decide if this feeling in the pit of my stomach was due to me being freaked the fuck out or more about the feelings I’m starting to have towards my sexy, rugged biker. Apparently he was mine, whether I liked it or not!
It is now three o’clock in the afternoon and my last class just let out. God what a day! I really like my students. They are mostly all well behaved, but you will always have one or two smartasses, but they’re harmless. And thank God, only one male student asked for a hall pass! I’m also glad that I never ran into Brent all day, I mean that would be totally uncomfortable.
I am heading out to the parking lot when I see Ryder’s bike roar up. What is he doing here? Plus, I thought he wanted me to go there after work. He parks his bike and is making his way over towards me. I can see the strained look on his face. He does not look happy.
“Babe, why didn’t you call me?” he asks.
“What do you mean?”
“About that fuckin’ asshole.”
“Well, I didn’t want to bother you. It was nothing.”
“When another man puts his fuckin’ hands on you, it is always somethin’. From what Gunner says, he was pretty rough. Still wanna know why you didn’t call me?”
“Well, I don’t know your number and I didn’t exactly have a telephone book on hand,” I answer, sounding snarky. I don’t know why, but his lips turn into a slight smile as I say this. “Besides, it was nothing I couldn’t handle,” I add.
“No babe, you should never have to put up with that shit. Did you make a report at the office?”
“No, I don’t think he will be talking to me again.” Thank God “So his name is Gunner? I call him Sasquatch!” Ryder throws his head back and has the most amazing laugh I have ever heard.
“Only you can take me out of a pissed off vibe and make me laugh.” Oh my God. I love sweet Ryder.
“Well, I am glad I amuse you, but I really think that name would fit him better.”
“Why don’t I take you out to dinner?”
“We can come back for your car after.”
He takes me by the hand and leads me to his bike where he passes me my helmet. I put it on and climbed on the back of the bike with my legs and groin hugging Ryder’s ass, and my hands held tight around his abs. Wow they feel a-fucking-mazing.
Chapter 6
A Longer Night
Ryder and I have finished dinner and he dropped me off to get my car. We are now heading back to his house for the evening. He pulls into the driveway behind me and shuts his Harley off. As I am getting out of my car, Ryder walks over to me, putting one arm around my back and one arm under my knees and picks me up. This makes me giggle.
“Fuck, you’re adorable,” he says, smiling down at me.
“What?” I ask, confused.
“When you giggle, your nose scrunches up and you look and sound fuckin’ adorable.” I can’t believe it. Big bad, biker dude Ryder thinks that I’m adorable.
He carries me into the house and sets me down on my feet and gives me a kiss on the forehead. “Go get ready for bed, babe. You gotta early rise again tomorrow,” he says, walking towards the television in the living room.
“What are you going to do?” I ask.
“Watch some TV,” he says, lying down on the sofa.
As he is turning the television on with the remote control, I say, “Good night, Ryder. I know I’ve said it before, but thanks again for everything.”
He mumbles, “No problem, babe. Now go get your pretty, little ass ready for bed.”
I notice that Ryder doesn’t say good night in return. I won’t lie and say that this doesn’t bother me because it totally does. I turn and walk towards his bedroom to get ready for bed.
I once again do my nightly rituals and decide to wear my pink, lacy boy shorts and tank top to bed. I was a little warm last night wearing pajama pants. I climb in the huge, comfy king-size bed.
I’m not really sleepy, so I decide to take out my eReader and read for a while. I’m really immersed in my book, when the bedroom door opens. Ryder walks in the bedroom and grabs something from his dresser drawer, then walks to the bathroom and shuts the door.
A couple of minutes later he emer
ges, wearing a pair of boxer shorts that ride indecently low on his hips. I think I actually have to pick my jaw up off of the floor. He starts walking in the direction of the bed. Oh my God, what is he doing? He reaches for the comforter.
“W-What are you doing?” I stammer.
“Goin’ to bed,” he responds.
“No, you’re not.”
“Ella, babe. The sofa sucks ass. There’s no way I’m fuckin’ sleepin’ there again.”
“What about your spare room?”
“The spare room isn’t actually a bedroom. I turned it into a gym instead.”
“I don’t care. We are so not sleeping in the same bed,” I say, sounding panicky.
“It’s my bed, sunshine. If I wanna sleep in it, I’m gonna. Relax. I’m not gonna try anything with you. Just sleep. I promise.”
“Okay, I guess,” I say, through a sigh.
I put my eReader on the night stand and turn of the light. I roll to my side with my back towards Ryder.
“Night, baby,” he says, rolling over, grabbing my chin and shifting my face towards him. He plants one heck of a kiss on my lips. Then he lets me go and rolls, so we’re back to back again.
“Good night, Ryder.”
There’s a little movement in the bed and I hear what sounds like fabric falling to the floor. I tense up. Um, what was that?
I lay next to him feeling his body heat for what seems like forever. Eventually, his breathing slows and he snores lightly. I roll over to face him. Damn! He even looks sexy snoring!
I look down and notice the sheet covering him up to his waist, showcasing his hard, muscled chest and six pack abs. I lift up the sheet out of curiosity, and discover Ryder’s sleeping in the buff. OMG!! That was his boxers falling to the floor. He’s also packing some serious hardware, he’s huge!
Here I thought the day was long. The night was going to be even longer.
Chapter 7
Plan B
I take a look at the alarm clock on the night stand. The display reads 1:32 am.
Come on, Ella! Go to sleep! You are going to be so tired tomorrow morning. What is wrong with you? Oh yeah, you’re lying in a bed with a sexy, naked, tattooed Ryder. No wonder you can’t get to sleep.
I slowly get out of bed and grab my pillow. As I’m making my way to the door, my big toe comes in contact with the corner of the dresser.
“Motherfu…!” I cover my mouth, mid-word. Shit! I hope I didn’t wake him. I stand still and listen. Ryder’s still snoring, so it’s all good. I open the door and step out into the hallway. Gently closing the door, I turn and search for the linen closet to find a blanket.
Once I get a blanket, I go into the living room and make my bed on the sofa. I don’t know what Ryder’s complaining about, but as far as sofas go, this one is pretty darn comfortable. I can finally relax. Before I know it, I’m out for the night. Or so I think.
Brrrrr. “Why is it so cold?” I say out loud, waking myself up. I realize the blanket is nowhere to be found. The room is still almost pitch black, so it must still be night time.
“Babe, what the fuck are you doin?” he asks angrily, startling me.
“Ryder! You scared the bejesus out of me! I couldn’t sleep, so I decided to come out here so I wouldn’t disturb you.”
His voice softens when he replies, “Come back to bed, baby.” I shake my head no, but realize he probably can’t see this action.
“No, I can’t sleep with you lying next to me. It’s too damn distracting.” He quietly laughs, as I say this. “Do you always sleep in the nude?” I add.
“Yup, I don’t like to wear underwear, period. I always go commando, but I put on boxers tonight before gettin’ in bed with you, just so I wouldn’t freak you the fuck out,” he answers.
I wonder if he’s put his boxers back on, so I ask him straight up, “Are you still naked?”
He chuckles and says, “Yup.”
Goddamn it! He’s standing next to me, not wearing a thing. Great! Not only am I totally awake, but I’m aroused now too.
“What time is it? I’m going to be exhausted tomorrow.”
“It’s only two o’clock. You still have loads of time for sleep.”
“Yeah, but I’m wide awake. There’s no way I’m getting back to sleep now,” I sigh, as I start sitting up.
“Oh, I think I can come up with something that will tire you out and make you sleep again,” he says, as he moves closer.
“Oh yeah, what’s that?” I ask, tensing up.
“Plan B,” he answers with.
I swallow. Oh my God! My body is suddenly on fire as I can feel a full body blush hit me. Within seconds, he is kneeling on the floor with his body situated between my thighs. His hands are on my hips with his fingertips tracing the lacy edge of my boy shorts.
Uh-Oh, I think I’m in trouble.
“Arms up,” he orders.
I’m thinking there’s no way he’s getting me naked tonight. He’ll see my scars and I’ll probably scare him away. Wait a minute. It’s really dark in here, there’s no way he can see anything. That’s when I hear him leaning towards the lamp on the end table.
I grab his arm and yell, “No!” I then calmly say, “I mean I’m a little nervous right now. Could you leave the light off, please?”
“Sure, only this time, baby. Next time I wanna see everything.”
“Okay,” I whimper, releasing my grip on his arm.
My arms go up and the minute they do, I feel Ryder grab my tank top by the bottom edge and lift it up and over my head. He then throws it behind the couch. I feel one of his fingers trail from the hollow of my throat to between my breasts, ending at my belly button. Then it drops further and traces the edge of my panties between my pussy and thigh.
He exhales slowly and says, “I wanna put my mouth on you, Ella.”
“Okay,” I reply, before he even finishes saying my name.
I feel a tug on my panties and then a ripping sound and they’re gone. OMG! He just ripped my panties off! I bite my lip and moan. God, he’s got me so aroused, I’m soaking wet between my legs.
Ryder’s lips are suddenly on mine and he softly nibbles on my lower lip, tugging it from between my teeth. He then follows the same trail with his mouth that he made with his finger earlier.
Licking my belly button, I hear him say, “Move your ass to the edge of the sofa.”
His hands are at my hips helping me move to the right position. I feel both of his rough hands on the inside of my thighs. He quickly, but gently pushes them further apart.
I hear a growl and then, “God, I can smell how aroused you are.”
“Shut up. You cannot!” I yell, totally humiliated.
“Don’t be embarrassed, baby. It’s a total fuckin’ turn on.”
“Oh, okay.”
He proceeds kissing further down my lower body. He’s totally going to go down on me. Reacting to his actions, my body tenses up. Sensing my unease, he stops what he is doing. Please don’t stop, I think to myself. I try to relax my body so that he’ll keep going, but he doesn’t move a muscle.
I’m not Catholic or anything, but I’m so turned on at this point I will do a million Hail Mary’s to make sure this happens. I can’t wait to see what kind of magic his mouth can do down there.
Thank God he decides to continue because I feel his hot breath between my legs. He then places hungry kisses at the juncture between my pussy and thigh. Oh God, he better hurry up or I swear I will come from just that alone.
With the first swipe of his hot tongue, my prayers are answered. He is the David Copperfield of oral sex. I hope he doesn’t make anything disappear. That would be a crying shame. He spreads the lips of my sex with his fingers and then continues his assault with his tongue. His thumb slowly circles my clit and within seconds he has me climaxing against his tongue.
“Oh Sweet Jesus, David Copperfield!” I cry out, breathing harshly.
He immediately stops what he is doing and says, �
“Don’t ask, I’m not even sure what I just said,” I giggle out. Ryder laughs along with me.
“You taste amazin’, babe, so fuckin’ sweet.”
He moves and gets up on the sofa, hauling me on top of him. He gently strokes my back from the nape of my neck to my tailbone. God, I just came and now he’s turning me on again by stroking my back.
I sit up quickly and straddle his thighs. Even the course hair on his legs brushing on the inside of my thighs turns me on. What doesn’t turn me on about this man?
Feeling him grow harder against the inside of my thigh, I know I have to taste him too.
“Can I, um you know, on you?” I ask shyly.
“Seriously, you gotta ask that question? Get to it, babe.”
“I’ve never actually done it before, so maybe you could give me some tips.”
“Oh, I’ll give you a tip alright,” he chuckles.
I softly slap him on the chest. “You know what I mean.”
“Baby, I’m sure anything you do with your mouth on my dick will feel awesome. Just be careful of your teeth.”
I lean forward and lick his left nipple until it comes to a hard peak. Then I focus the same attention on the other nipple. He arches his back, so I figure he must like it.
I trail my tongue down his chest and abdomen and I keep heading down until I hit the mother lode. Wrapping my hand around the base of his shaft I lower my mouth and lick the head, like you would an ice cream cone. Ryder moans in approval.
“Suck it, beautiful,” he orders. Where to begin?
I slowly suck his dick in my mouth. At first, I only suck on the head, but Ryder gently grabs my hair in his hands and thrusts his hips slowly upwards. This action takes him to the back of my throat. This is it? I thought I’d gag for sure. Not me, G.I. Jane. I’m a trooper. I continue to swallow his cock, until his thrusts become aggressive and I’m not sure, but I think I hear him growl.
“Baby, you gotta stop or I’m gonna come in your mouth,” he moans, and I can feel him arching his back again.
I mumble a “Yes” around his shaft and grip his thighs, pulling him towards me.
With my signs of approval he shouts out, “Shit! The vibrations from your throat feel un-fuckin-believable!” A few seconds later, I feel his salty release hit the back of my throat and I instinctively swallow.